Još toga otkrivam ovih dana

Svet pun ideja

25 March 2011

Ideja je sjajna, a malo vas i podstakne da razmislite... treba odabrati jednu od stvari koje želim da uradim "pre nego što umrem".
Više o tome OVDE.
Bacite pogled i na ostale projekte!

Cela ideja mi se svidela verovatno zato što me podsetila na fenomenalan film "Šta sve možeš u Denveru kad si mrtav". Na kraju filma Andy Garcia priča, svom (još nerođenim) sinu:
[Jimmy] Most of all, you're gonna have to remember...
it's not gonna be a perfect world.
It's gonna be harder than Chinese math.
But as cold as it's gonna seem sometimes
you must have... faith.

Gotta have faith.
Have a list-
Come up with a list...
of what's important to you.
The ten most important things to you.
Write 'em down.
No one can satisfy all ten. It's impossible.
If you can satisfy five or six, you're nearly there.
You're on your way, kid, to your own perfect world.

A good man once told me that life goes by…
faster than summer vacation,
and he was right,
and one day you'll be old enough to understand that.
So enjoy it.
Enjoy your life.
Enjoy it all.

You were on my list.
And me doing this has given me...
my own perfect world,
and I thank you for that,
I really do.
I još jedan deo filma:
[Easy Wind] Remember when you was a kid and you would spend the whole year waiting for summer vacation and when it finally came it would fly by just like that? It's funny, Jimmy, life has a way of flying by faster than any old summer vacation really fucking does.
Preuzeto odavde (strana 56).

Obožavam ovaj deo filma, uvek me baci u razmišljanje o mojoj listi... i kako se menja...vremenom.


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