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Best homemade playdough, by Škrabalica

31 January 2011

Original recipe can be seen here, but I prefer one made with a less water
I have nothing but a words of praise, since you get smooth and nice dough that is not sticking to fingers. Easy to make and easy to enjoy in play.

400g flour
130g salt
40g citric acid (limuntus)
5 Tbsp oil
250 ml water
food coloring

Mix all ingredients except the water. It should be added bit by bit, till you get smooth dough. 
At the end, use just a basic food coloring and get the rest while practice mixing colors with those three.
This playdough should be used right away since later on it dries a bit. But its so easy and fast to make that I guess it's not a problem at all. 

At the end of our game, we made a beads, but forgot them in my parents home. I'll let you know how they look like for a few months. :)
Easy like sunday morning.


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